Tuesday, 31 July 2012

July, July

Oh, July, where did you go? I had big plans for July. I really did. But I just found myself existing from day to day, sleeping in class and going for farewells. Three of my best friends left and I really feel like everyone's going places and I'm the only person stuck here in the same city, doing the same thing. It's exactly like school. I don't even have the energy to push myself, get out of my comfort zone, etc. etc. I've got some college friends coming over right now and that feels like a step forward because I don't usually sleepover with people but then I'm worried. I'm worried about entertaining people, worried about spending too much time with them and whatnot. I wish I could stop worrying.

I really just want to stay in bed all day and wake up to watch Roswell. I just discovered it last night and it's thirty different shades of stupid but it's growing on me. I considered bunking college just to watch it but I refrained. I have midterms next week and I need to do my best to keep my attendance up. But Roswell! Max's soulful eyes! The millennium references! It's exciting. It's going to take me a bit of time to appreciate Max and Michael fully because Max reminds me of Ethan from Lost (he was fuck creepy) and Michael looks like the Lonely Island guy's brother.

Also, I started a writing project using drabbles. I've kind of evolved the challenge so let's see how it works out. I'm using tumblr to keep track of it.

I just want to stay in bed and discover new music and read good YA fiction and not do anything remotely intellectual or studious or productive. It's not like I do these things anyway but since I spend almost twelve hours in college, it feels like I'm greatly involved in the pursuit of knowledge.