Thursday, 8 November 2012

Important albums: Too Young To Be In Love

Hunx and his Punx- Too Young To Be In Love

In the twelfth grade, I went through this transition period during which I was extremely happy and extremely angsty at the same time. I don't know how to explain it but my mood- and personality- would change, depending on the person I was hanging out with. I also went through several crushes during the year, which kind of ensured I was on a permanent floating high (crushes do that to me). 

It was through Crush #2 when I discovered the song "Too Young To Be In Love" by this band called Hunx and his Punx. It was perfect for me because it called out to my soul, y'know? It had the right amount of energy and heartbreak and hope and when I heard the line "nothing can mend my teenage heart again", I knew I'd found it. The song that would probably be my number one song for the year. I then pursued some of their EPs and stuff and it was okay. It had ridiculous lines like "what the heck is wrong with you?/I think you sniffed too much glue/You don't like rock 'n' roll/and I don't like you". Before you dismiss the song (and band) for being, well, stupid, wait! Give it a chance. And listen to the album Too Young To Be In Love.

I'm a teenager and I'm happy and sad and I'm into boys so this album is A+. It has everything you need to go through a mad crush/teenage hormones and the best part is, it doesn't take itself too seriously, which is an important criteria for me. It's just about being a teenager and chilling and being in love and stuff! You could almost pass it off for an album released forty years ago but all the vintage sounds and the lead singer's voice (it grows on you, trust me) and really really powerful backing vocalists... well, it's an explosive combination. It's not for everyone but if you like mad and fun stuff, listen to this album because you will not be disappointed. At all. 

Best tracks (in my important opinion): "He's Coming Back" and "Too Young To Be In Love". 

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