Thursday, 21 March 2013

Important Albums: Dye It Blonde by Smith Westerns

My feelings are stupid. They're often of the "I am hungry" or "I am sad" or "Does he like me?" or "I am feeling shy" variety. I appreciate lyrical masterpieces as much as the next person but at the end of the day, I love songsthat has simple lyrics but still captures your feelings perfectly. Some may argue that the Smith Westerns's lyrics borderline dumb, but not me! These guys manage to tap my exact emotion(s)! Thar's been enough to keep me listening for three years straight. Dye It Blonde is a super polished successor to Smith Westerns, their debut album- which is a gem in it's own right, not doubt. However, Dye It Blonde takes me feelings and amplifies them and makes them so beautiful and simple. What you have is ten tracks of pure simplicity and ~teenage~ emotions. I listened to this album every weekend in the twelfth grade because it captured my emotions perfectly. It's all about longing and love and wanting to have fun and just emotional debauchery in general. It doesn't matter if you're falling in love or falling out of it because Dye It Blonde will work for you either way (teenage ups and downs woohoo). Or even if you're alone in your room on a Saturday night- this is perfect music, you guys! It's a fun combination of glam rock and garage rock and pop and it touches my soul like nobody's business. Probably the most important album ever! And I've been listening to their new track "Varsity" from their new album and it's so incredibly good.

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