Friday, 10 August 2012

goddess meg cabot

Meg Cabot is a goddess. She's a goddess for preteens everywhere. For some reason, I really disliked the ages nine to thirteen because it was an awful age to be. It's sad and confusing and depressing and I really felt like I didn't belong in school and I hated everyone (ooh). But I always had Meg Cabot books to make me feel a gazillion times better and dream about cool cities I'd never see and fall in love with boys THAT DO NOT EXIST. In this universe. Case points will follow.


What can I say about this series? Not much, because I haven't read the entire series. I've read the first book about a billion times, simply because my aunt gifted it to my sister when she was about seven or eight. Yeah, she thought it was the PG version of the movie, and to be honest, it's PG fun but imagine a nine year old reading it. I didn't know what a date was. I had no idea why she was so obsessed with the idea of a tongue in someone's mouth. Things like that didn't happen you guys. Chill. The years have given me a new appreciation for the first book. Because it's FUNNY (actually) and it introduces us to the best male character: Michael Moscovitz. Michael is my ideal man. Really. Just read it to find out. I'm also very partial to the last book in the series because (what else) M and M get their happily ever after and Mia finds out who she is yada yada and Michael is back and he's hot. I'm very deep like that. Also, the millennium references! They had dial-up! Michael was working on his e-zine! Leonardo from Titanic was passe (wtf)! Hell, they used chat rooms! Just read the first book. It's a gem. And it took me an incredible amount of time (several different combinations of google searches) to find the cover I was looking for. Boo.


I kept up with the Mediator series between the seventh and ninth grade because I thought Jesse was very hot. That seems to be a recurring trend. And he was dead! How tragic! Spoiler for the series: doesn't it seem unfair that HE COMES BACK TO LIFE? The universe does not work like that Meg Cabot! And looking back, Jesse was way too old-fashioned. Except Carmel was a charming setting and how exciting would it be to have a hot guy living in your room and guess what, he doesn't smell bad or anything! Except he's dead. My favourite book in the series is the fifth one (I think) when Suze and Jess finally make out properly. In the very last page. There's a lot of ~angst~ so beware.

#3 1800- WHERE-R-U

Oh, man. This series is godly. It deals with everything! Psychic powers, motorbikes, jailbait (he's eighteen, she's sixteen and he's on probation!), racism, murderers, child abusers, best friends, lightning, fires, mom problems, etc, etc. And Jess is a lot of fun. And Jess and Robb and the bike are such an awesome crime-fighting trio! The fifth book takes place a couple of years in the future and it kind of takes away the special-ness of the first four books so I'd strongly advise anyone reading this to stop with the fourth book.


The boy series are her "adult" books but eh, whatever. Boy Meets Girl is probably one of my favourite books in this world. I'll tell you why. When I'm sad or depressed or bored, I don't read for James Joyce or something like that. I'd go for the book that makes me feel 100% better and it's always this one. I've read it about 84757 times in the last five years and it's a permanent part of my bathroom now but that just goes to prove how much fun it is. The other books in this three part series are really good fun for a lazy day read, so instant recommendation.

I'm starting to realize that this most is going to make me look like I have a really shitty taste in books which is NOT TRUE. I love reading but I love reading escapist fiction more than anything. And Meg Cabot was a very integral part of that escaping. Looking back, her books seemed to have some flaws like the fact that the guys were always super duper perfect. And the girls- usually the ones in the adult series... I'm looking at you, Queen of Babble- were quite stupid. But whatever! Meg Cabot is 100% a goddess. Also, her blog is used to be a lot of fun. Case point here. I haven't read it since 2007 or so but it was always really funny and she seemed like such a fun person, y'know? Anyway, I just really love you Meg Cabot.

NOTE: I forgot to mention a few books. Like Pants on Fire! That's really good. Erotica for twelve year olds! And I'm now at that age where I can't publicly admit to reading Meg Cabot except for my secret diary aka this blog.

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