Monday, 20 August 2012

things to like

Sixteen Candles! Why did I wait so long to watch this? It's kind of stupid, to be honest. Sam talks to herself! That's weird. It's weird that she comments on how lame she is, out loud. I do it in my head. I wonder if it makes a difference if you say it out loud. This is unrelated but my sister suggested talking to yourself as a way of "being in touch with your feelings". Yeah, back to the movie. Jake Ryan is kind of a douche. Who the hell lets some little freshman drive his very drunk (albeit horrible) girlfriend home and suggests getting frisky (!) with her? That's douche-y! But he's a total babe, isn't he? He's those beautiful boys who you just crush on 4eva and they should never know how you feel because ew! Relationships are gross.

What a dish.

My mom walking into my room while I'm slaving over fanfiction and hugging me tightly and saying, "Baby." God, I love my mom.

These pink zines I've been working on. I really like them... they're basically just ~feelings~ and stuff but they're cute and fun (even if I say so myself)


This is one of the nicest and slowest and most beautiful songs by the Strokes. I realize it's just the demo version but it's fantabuolous (yes, these kind of words describe the importance of the song). It's so important and gah, touching. Plus everyone can appreciate the orgasmic bliss that is Julian's voice.


The Lumatere chronicles! Everyone should read it. 

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